
I will be teaching 3 D restorative areola and nipple tattooing to permanent make up artists in the new year 2025.
If you would have had breast cancer and would like your areola and nipples restored by medical micropigmentation, then please contact me, there is a contact form below or email carolinedaypmu@gmail.com.
If you are a permanent make up artist, and wish to learn this rewarding skill to help change peoples lives, do contact me via the form below.
The class will be from my quiet home clinic in Wymondham, Norfolk and it will be a one to one teaching only, it will not be in a large group of learners.
Descretion and dignity will be in place but your chest area may be filmed or photographed.
If you are interested in being a model, the requirementa are that:
You are fit and healthy
Have finished chemotherapy at least a year before
Surgery scars have healed
Not have epilepsy
No heart problems
Not pregnant or breast feeding
Not on blood thinning medication
Have no imminent surgery planned
E-Mail: carolinedaypmu@gmail.com
Tel: 07984108764
Caroline Day Permanent Cosmetics
41 Briton Way
NR18 0TT