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Caroline Day Permanent Cosmetics And medical Micropigmentation
Wymondham, Norfolk
Tel 07984 108764


Caroline Day has worked within a NHS hospital carrying out restorative areola and nipple tattooing for breast cancer survivors. She has complted extensive training in this profession and also teaches.
She carries out this treatment for private paying clients from her home clinic in Wymondham, Norfolk.
Please be aware that all surgery scars must be healed by at least 12 months before treatment.

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Restorative areola tattooing following double mastectomy

What is Restorative Areola Tattooing ( medical micro pigmentation and who is it for?


Medical Micropigmentation is aimed for breast surgery scars and restorative areola tattooing. Mineral pigments are safely implanted in the upper layer of the dermis with a safe dispisable cartridge needle and digital device.

Caroline carries out a consultation along with a skin patch test and a short medical questionaire. if you live a distance from Wymondham, a test kit can be sent to you.

Please note: your scars must be at least 12 months old before I can work on them.





  • Areola shape enhancing for Breast lift / Reduction / Augmentation

  • Mastectomies following Breast cancer

  • After Male Breast Reduction  (Gynecomastia Necrosis)

  • Areola & Nipple Replacement

  • Transgender surgery

  • After Necrosis

  • Existing Areola Colour Pigmentation

  • Areola Enlargement

  • Anchor Scars




Pricing: £250 First appointment


( Allow up to 3 hours )

Bespoke colour matching & template created for each individual.


Perfecting Retouch 8 weeks after £175


For either a Bi lateral or unilateral.

this is mandatory as we need to cover any uneveness, difficult scar tissue and also add more details.


  • The treatment price includes:

  • Restortaive Areola And Nipple Tattooing

  • Natural Skin scar blend camouflage

  • Microneedling Surgery Scars

  • Aftercare bag which includes sterile gauze, dressings and healing aftercare balm.





Restorative areola tattooing following breast reduction surgery
Restorative areola tattooing after breast reduction surgery

Surgery Scar Camouflage or Scar Revision Microneedling

White surgery scars can be camouflaged to blend into your own skin colour.

  • For face lift and trauma scars that are healed and white in colour

We would carry out a colour blend skin test treatment first, we would select a couple of the closest colour match to your skin tone first, you would then return after the area has healed for a 15 minutes for a review, then we would assess the scar colours.

The review is included in the cost.

Should the colour heal an unsuitable colour, you would need to book another scar colour blend test.

Should the pigment for the scar is a perfect match,you can go straight in with the treatment. This may take two or more session as we will slowly and safely build up the colour blend.

Scar colour blend test 45 mins with 15 min review 4 weeks later £45

2nd scar colour blend test with 15 min review 4 weeks later £35
Scar camouflage each session 6 weeks apart £100 per session.



Have your old NHS areola tattoo refreshed in Norfolk
Bilateral 3D restorative areola and nipple tattooing for breast cancer survivors after mastectomy and breast reconstruction nipple and areola tatooing in Norwich Norfolk breast lift scar camouflage in Norwich breast augmentation areola tattooing in Norwich Norfolk

F.A Q's

I have had breast cancer, When

Can I have Restorative Areola tattooing?


  • Ideally, it is best to wait between 12/18 months after surgery until the skin's scar tissue has healed, sometimes longer as each individual is different.

  • Scars will benefit from a course of micro needling which will encourage your natural skin pigment into the area, flatten fibrous scars, reduce tightness and prepares the scar for camouflage.

  • 6 months after Chemotherapy / Radiotherapy.

  • Your immune system may be put under a lot of strain in trying to heal a tattoo too early, especially after such strong medication


  • Nipple sparing grafts may have to wait up to two years for the scar to heal fully, depending on the individual. The tissue here is delicate so tattooing on this area too soon may cause trauma.

  • The wait is normally 6 months after non nipple sparing mastectomy.

  • For Bilateral mastectomy  we will create a template and colour swatches for the new areola and nipples

  • For unilateral we will match the your existing shape and colour as much as possible.


  • You will come back 8 weeks after the area has healed to review the tattoo, we can add some more detail and perfect and patchiness and colour fading. 

  • Caroline only uses REACH compliant and cruelty free pigments and inks and has a range of colours that will suit all skin colours.

  • ​

Q ) Does the tattooing hurt?


A) If you have any senstation around the nipple area, you may want to apply emla numbing cream 20 minutes before.

The area will be tender to touch after the treatment, this is completely normal.



Q) Why do i need to come back for a retouch?


A) The retouch appointment will be 8 weeks after,

the skin will shed over 4/6 weeks and will take pigment along with it, it is better for the skin to take time with shorter treatments, this will be less traumatic for the skin. The retouch appointment we can add more detail and add or darken the colours if needed. You may need a colour boost two years, depending on your skin.


Q) What is the aftercare?


A)You will be given an aftercare home kit that contains an information leaflet, dressings and a natural healing balm. You will keep the area covered for 7 days.Everything will be verbally explained to you and you will have full support after the procedure.


Q) Can I bathe and swim after the procedure?


A) No long soaks in the bathe and swimming is allowed for two weeks as well as heat treatments. No exercise for 48 hours.

Long term use, please use a barrier cream on the area if you are a regular swimmer.



3D areola and nipple tattooing after breast augmentation breast lift in Norwich Norfolk

Tel: 07984 108764

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