Treatment information on micropigmentation
Permanent make up ( micropigmentation)
Is carried out with a digital device and disposable cartridge needles, it is less traumatic to the skin than microblading.
I can create eyebrows, eyeliner and lip blush and restorative areola micropigmentation.
I require a consultation with you which includes a skin pacth test and a short medical questionnaire. I can give you a pre draw if required. A booking fee is required to secure your appointment which is taken off your treatment cost.
All the pricing includes one perfecting retouch 6 weeks after, you must book a consultation with a skin patch test first, this includes a short medical questionaire and a pre draw if required. I can go over previous microbladed or PMU work if the area needs correcting into a better shape, however; some previous work cannot be covered over if the previous pigment is dark grey.
Please note: Contra indications to this treatment are:
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Blood thinning medication
Auto immune disease
Diabetes type 1
Heart problems
Please note: Sometimes I require a letter of consent to carry out micropigmentation if you have certain medical conditions / medication. I can supply you with the letter for your G.P or consultatant to sign.
Treatment pricing can be found on the drop down menu at the top of this page.
You can book directly via the black button below or
Eyebrow Micropigmentation
Gaps can be filled in your brows by micropigmentation, whether it be hair strokes or a soft shaded brow. You do not have to shave your eyebrows off beforehand,
A template is created with calipers for you to see, the pigment will be initially dark to start with, it will heal up to 40 % lighter as it settles in the skin when healing.
There is little downtime, they may be tender, a bit red and swollen, expect light flaking or crusting after a few days.
Lifestyle factors such as smoking and not looking after your skin e.g no spf can cause uneven results.
The perfecting retouch would be around the 6 weeks marks after the initial treatment, we can add any tweaks to the brows such as bigger or darker. Do expect some gaps , especially where you have no hair folicles, this is normal. Over plucked or alopecea clients may have to return for a third treatment
You must follow the aftercare I will give you to enable even and trouble free healing, an aftercare kit is given to you with instructions.
Longterm : wear an SPF 40 in the winter 50 in the summer.
you will need an annual colour boost once every 1/2/3 years.
Permanent Eyeliner
This treatment heals quite quickly and not as scary as you think it is going to be!
You can have a standard eye lash enhancement or thin eyeliner
Latino flick ( up to the eye crease)
Smoky eyeliner
Slim flick with a shade on the outer eyelid.
The bottom lid may be done but not the waterliner of inner and outer eye,
Very easy aftercare.
Expect some swelling on the eyelid and wake up puffy in the next monrning.
The eyes will heal quickly and so expect a little crusting.
Retouch will be in 6 weeks
No more smudged eyeliner!
Lip Blushing
Have your lips outlined and have a choice of an ombre or a full lip colour.
Always go darker a few shades of your target colour, your lips will heal 50% lighter.
Your lips are a thin layer of skin over a muscle, expect pixels of colour, not a replacement of your actual lipstick, just a softer version of it.
Expect very natural results but the lip line will add contour and definition, I cannot tattoo over the lip line to make them look bigger, it will heal lighter.
If you have had cold sores, you have to get two courses of anti viral drugs, herpes simplex is in everyone's sysyem, thie lip blush may trigger a break out. Retouch 6 weeks later.
Restorative Areola Tattooing
Aimed for breast cancer survivors post mastectomy, breast augmentation and breast reduction surgery and gender affirming. All surgery scars must be healed and approximatly a year old. Chemotherapy must be finished at least 6 weeks before, I may require a letter from your surgeon or oncologist. I will create a template for you to see and we will discuss colours.
The area must be covered for 5 days ( i will give you dressings along with the aftercare kit )A perfecting retouch is required 8 weeks later. You have a choice of paying as a private paying patient or have it free as a model during my teaching.
Toe nail replacement Tattoo
If you have had your toenail removed from surgery or trauma, I can tattoo them back on for you, this is only a temporary tattoo due to the nature of the area being a friction area. The tattoo is perfect for holidays. You must keep the area covered for 5 days and not wear constricting shoes during healing.
Two sessions 6 weeks apart for a longer lasting result.
Webbed Toe Syndactyly Toe Seperator Tattoo
This condition is very common, I can tattoo a crease to make the toes look like they are seperated and create a shadow.
Two or three sessions 6 weeks apart
An annual colour boost may be required or just have it done a few weeks before your holiday.