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Why is there such a long wait to have areola and nipple tattooing at the NHS hospitals?

I have learnt there is a 2 to 3 year wait to have medical micropigmentation done ( areola and nipple tattooing ) for breast cancer survivors.

Is this acceptable?

Patients need to push for this and contact the local commisioners about funding for the trust at theyre local NHS hospitals.

We believe there is already funding put in place for this, for medical tattoo scar revision artists to act as a contractor to come in and complete the final stage of the patients' breast cancer journey.

So why is there such a long wait?

Where has the money gone?

The patients must speak up about this.

Is it acceptable for the nurses to carry the procedure out, when they really should be in clinic, doing their fabulous job?

I recently heard of a patient who had a male nurse to carry out the procedure and he gave her masculin looking areolas ( small low and oval ) although this is not the nurse's fault, but this is clearly unacceptable.

Fortunatly, there are many talented artists within the U.K who are highly skilled at this profession and have a high level training of infection control and anatomy and physiology as well as colour theory knowledge for all skin colours

I offer clinics for women and men who have been waiting for the procedure also I can recommend clinics around the U.K which is local to you.


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